Company Profile

Company Profile 2024-08-24T06:43:54+00:00
Big Bird Food Limited - Company Profile
Company Profile
Big Bird Food Limited (BBFL) was incorporated on September 21, 2011, as a private limited company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (repealed with the enactment of the Companies Act, 2017). Subsequently, it was converted into a public limited company on June 01, 2023.Big Bird Foods (Pvt.) Limited was established with the prime objectives to set up a poultry processing unit that would provide processed quality chicken products in the local and international markets.
The Vision
Enabling people to live healthy lives by encouraging the consumption of Big Bird’s Chicken.
The Mission
Big Bird ensures the consistent availability of traceable, hygienic, healthy & economical chicken meat & processed chicken products to meet the requirements of our valued customers and consumers through exercising the competitive edge of quality at our integrated poultry production facilities. We strive for the wellbeing and sustainable growth of our valued customers, great people, environment, and society.
Core Values
Team Work
Principal Business
The principal business of the company is to carry on the business of the manufacturer, importer, exporter, supplier, distributor, agent of dealers/manufacturers doing business in food and produce of every kind. The company acts as an agent of manufacturers, merchants, traders, and others for the purchase, disposal, and sale of all kinds of merchandise, goods, commodities, materials, and generally undertakes and carries out agency work of any kind in any part of the world, except managing agency business.
Company Information
Status of Company: Public Listed Company
Company Registration Number: 0077146
National Tax Number: 3913864-0
Registered Office/Head Office: 2-A, Ahmed Block, New Garden Town, Lahore
Phone & Fax: 042-35835373, 042-3587512-14, +92-42-35860519