
Careers 2021-12-08T11:21:58+00:00

Careers / Human Resources

To convert the human resource function into Business Management Partner by adopting and exercising the best HR practices is the core objective of our HR Department. HRD at Big Bird Group believes in continuous improvement and is exercising the standards of service at functional and organizational tier to the utmost levels of excellence. The Executive Management believes in people respect and employee engagement initiatives along with all social norms and business practices which help the employees and organization grow. HR strategy is integrated with the company’s vision vertically and horizontally.

Our Culture & Environment

Big Bird being a poultry and food company has created an environment of research & development physically and virtually enabling the veterinarians/executives to articulate their future ambitions. When an employee joins the Big Bird family he/she receives technical/professional orientation and mentorship to explore the opportunity of working on emerging technologies and business trends. Group has been an inspiring and true example of the business development processes right from small venture to a successful business Group. Encouraging & stimulating environment comprising of world class poultry and business professionals, cohesive-teamwork and well equipped facilities help the young entrant especially in shaping them into world class professionals. Big Bird values its high potential people by consistently evaluating them through management processes. We encourage our employees to maintain their work life balance too.

Talent Hunt Schemes for Young Graduates

Big Bird Group, a mature and vibrant organization, is attracting competent veterinary, poultry and business graduates through its Talent Hunt Scheme from top universities all over Pakistan through its internship schemes. We find our people from disciplines like poultry sciences, veterinary sciences, foods technology and business management to help us turn our dreams into reality. The Executive Management believes that the growth of a business enterprise directly linked with the growth of its employees. On the basis of this philosophy, Big Bird offers performance oriented and competitive compensation to the stars employees. Let us explore the opportunities for each other!

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